How I Document My Processes Using Loom

As an entrepreneur, I often find myself juggling multiple projects and tasks. Over time, I’ve realized that one of the biggest time-savers in my business has been documenting repetitive processes.

By creating clear, easy-to-follow instructions, I can delegate more efficiently and ensure consistency in the work delivered.

And my go-to tool for this?

Why Loom?

Before we dive into the how, let’s talk about why I chose Loom.

If you're unfamiliar with it, Loom is a screen recording tool that allows you to record your screen, voice, and even include your webcam if you want to add a personal touch.

For me, Loom hits the sweet spot between ease of use and functionality.

It's quick, intuitive, and doesn't require advanced video editing skills—perfect for someone like me who values efficiency.

Step 1: Identify the Repetitive Processes

The first step is to identify the tasks you find yourself doing over and over again.

These are often prime candidates for documentation.

For instance, onboarding a new client, setting up a project in your preferred management tool, or even creating recurring reports.

If you’ve done it more than three times, it’s probably worth documenting.

Step 2: Plan Your Recording

Once you’ve pinpointed the process, I recommend doing a dry run before hitting record.

Walk through the task from start to finish, noting down any key points or steps that might require a bit more explanation.

This ensures your video flows smoothly and that you don’t miss any crucial steps.

Step 3: Record with Loom

Now comes the fun part—recording!

Open Loom and choose whether you want to record just your screen or include your webcam as well.

Personally, I like to include the webcam when I’m explaining something that could benefit from a bit of face-to-face interaction, but this is totally optional.

As you record, talk through each step as if you were explaining it to someone who’s never done it before.

This might feel a bit odd at first, but it helps to ensure that nothing is left out.

Remember to keep your tone conversational—this isn’t a lecture, it’s a helpful guide.

Step 4: Share and Store

Once your recording is complete, Loom gives you a link that you can easily share with your team or anyone else who might need it.

What I love about Loom is how it automatically stores all your videos in a library, making it easy to reference them later.

You can organize them into folders, making it simple to find the exact video you need when the time comes.

Step 5: Update as Needed

Processes change, and your documentation should too.

One of the great things about Loom is that it’s easy to update your recordings.

If a process changes, you can quickly record a new video and replace the old one, ensuring that your documentation is always up to date.

The Benefits of Documenting with Loom

So, why go through all this effort?

For me, the benefits have been clear:

1. Time Savings: I no longer have to walk each new team member through the same processes. Instead, they can watch the Loom video and follow along at their own pace.

2. Consistency: By having a standard process documented, I ensure that the work is done the same way every time, no matter who is handling it.

3. Scalability: As my business grows, I can easily onboard more people without spending additional time on training.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking to save time and scale your operations, I can’t recommend documenting your processes enough.

Loom has been a game-changer for me in this area, allowing me to create clear, concise documentation that my team can access anytime, anywhere.

So, if you haven’t started yet, give it a try.

Your future self—and your team—will thank you!

